
Saturday 29 September 2012

11th hurt in 'Qaeda' suicide attack in south Yemen

ADEN: A suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to a hospital in Abyan province of southern Yemen on Saturday, wounding 11 people, employees at the facility said.
The attacker, who was torn apart by the blast, appeared to have activated the explosives prematurely before reaching the waiting room of the hospital in the town of Loder, said one employee.
An official at the hospital who declined to be named said the attack was carried out by Al-Qaeda. The apparent target was a local leader, Mohammed Aydarus, formerly of the Popular Resistance Committees, a reserve force which backed an all-out army offensive in Abyan province against Al-Qaeda in mid-June.
Aydarus was in the hospital at the time of the attack but escaped unharmed, said the official.
Al-Qaeda loyalists have carried out a spate of deadly attacks against security forces and their militia allies since President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi came to power earlier this year pledging to crush the militants.

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